Ludendorff Bridge

Ludendorff Bridge

Official name Brücke von Remagen
Other name(s) Bridge over Remagen
Carries Rail transport
Crosses Rhine river
Locale Rhineland-Palatinate
Designer Karl Wiener
Design Through arch bridge
Total length 325 m (1,066 ft)
Piers in water 2
Constructed by Grün & Bilfinger
Construction begin 1916
Construction end 1919
Collapsed 1945

The Ludendorff Bridge (known frequently by English-speakers during World War II as the Bridge at Remagen) was a railway bridge across the River Rhine in Germany, connecting the villages of Remagen and Erpel between two ridge lines of hills flanking the river. Remagen is situated near and south of Bonn.

The bridge is notable for its capture on 7–8 March 1945, by American forces during the Second World War Battle of Remagen, which allowed the Allies to establish a bridgehead across the Rhine.

The bridge capture was an important strategic event of WW2 because it was the only remaining bridge over the Rhine River into Germany's heartland and was also strong enough that the Allies could cross immediately with tanks and trucks full of supplies. Once it was captured, the German troops began desperate efforts to damage it or slow the Allies' use of it. At the same time, the Allies worked to defend it, expand their bridgehead into a lodgement sufficiently large that the Germans could no longer attack the bridge with artillery, and kept it in repair despite the ongoing battle damage.

The ensuing engagement continued for more than a week, including a huge artillery duel, a desperate air battle, and scrambled troop dispositions for both sides along the entire defensive front along the River Rhine as both sides reacted to the capture. One effect of those redeployments was that the Allies were able, within a fortnight, to establish other lodgements using pontoon bridges in several other sectors of the Rhenish front, again complicating the defense for the Germans and hastening the end of German resistance on their western front.

On 23 March the long prepared Operation Plunder, commanded by Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, crossed the Rhine in force to the north near Rees and Wesel[1] (North Rhine-Westphalia).



Pre-World War II

Under the Schlieffen Plan, a bridge was planned to be built here in 1912, as well as bridges in Engers and Rudesheim. The bridge was designed by Karl Wiener (German). Work on the bridge pillars and arches was done by leading construction companies Grün & Bilfinger[2] and Philipp Holzmann with the steel bridge built by MAN (Gustavsburg). It was constructed between 1916 and 1919 with two railway lines and a walkway (during WW2 one railway was covered by planks to allow truck traffic). Russian prisoners of war were used in construction work. The bridge section had a total length of 398 m and had two massive foothills on the left bank vault openings, each 30 m internal diameter. The main part formed a 325.41 m long steel bridge which consisted of the central two-hinged truss arch bridge, flanked on both sides by parallel anchor arms. The arch span was 156.21m in length and arms each 84.6m. The highest point of the arch bridge was 28.5 m above the ground. The height above the normal water level of the Rhine was 14.80 m. The 4642-ton structure cost about 2.1 million Marks. As the bridge was a major military construction, both abutments of the bridge were provided with the still-preserved fortified bridgeheads. These towers were equipped with loopholes for the bridge crew, stores and accommodation for troops. From the flat roofs there is a wonderful view over the valley. It was named for the German World War I general Erich Ludendorff, one of the bridge's proponents. It was designed to connect the Right Rhine Railway, the Left Rhine Railway and the Ahrtalbahn (German) to facilitate transport to the Western Front.

It was one of three bridges built to improve railway links between Germany and France during World War I, the other two being the Hindenburg Bridge at Bingen am Rhein and Urmitz Bridge near Koblenz. This was one of the four bridges guarded during the Third United States Army occupation at the end of World War I.

U.S. Capture during World War II

During Operation Lumberjack, on 7 March 1945, troops of the U.S. Army's 9th Armored Division reached one of the two damaged but usable bridges over the Rhine (a railway bridge in Wesel[1] in today's North Rhine-Westphalia was the other one), after German defenders failed to demolish it, despite several attempts.

Sergeant Alexander A. Drabik of Holland, Ohio, under heavy fire, was the first American soldier to cross the bridge, thereby becoming the first American soldier to cross the Rhine River into Germany; German-born Lieutenant Karl Timmermann was the first officer over the bridge. Both were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for their actions. Combat Command B of the 9th Armored was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for capturing the bridge. The first unit not of the 9th Armored Division to cross, and therefore neither infantry nor armor, was the 438th Artillery Battalion.

The German commandant at Remagen, Lieutenant Willi Bratge, wanted to demolish the bridge as early as possible to avoid capture. He had only 36 soldiers at the bridge on the morning of 7 March 1945. To add to confusion on the German side, Bratge was unaware until 1100hrs of the transfer of authority in the night to Major Hans Scheller, the adjutant of the area between Remagen and Schleiden. Scheller was ordered by his commanding general to assume the important task at the bridgehead. The Major wanted to keep the bridge open as long as possible, so that as many German soldiers as possible and their heavy equipment (tanks and some artillery pieces) were able to cross the bridge. The responsible bridge officer, Captain Friesenhahn, demanded a requisition of 600kg of demolition explosives, receiving at 1100 hrs only 300 kg of Donarit, a considerably weaker industrial explosive used in the mining industry. He tried to use them for a quick blast on the right bank side.

At 1340 hrs the main American attack began. The first blast of the Germans, who set fire to a portion of the charges, tore a 10-meter-wide crater in the left bank ramp. At 1540 hrs, the bridge itself was blown up by order of Major Scheller, but remained standing. It lifted a bit and then dropped safely back in place, as an explosive cable had been destroyed. One of the last intact Rhine bridges had been taken by the Allies.

Allied journalists termed the capture the "Miracle of Remagen." General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower declared the bridge "worth its weight in gold" and "one of those bright opportunities of war which, when quickly and firmly grasped, produce incalculable effects on future operations".[3] It remained functional (but weakened severely), despite the German detonation of a small charge and a stronger charge a few minutes later.[4] The Allies used the bridge for truck and tank traffic. Eight thousand soldiers crossed it during the first 24 hours after capture.

A large sign was placed on one of the stone towers marked "CROSS THE RHINE WITH DRY FEET COURTESY OF 9TH ARMD DIVISION." The sign is now displayed at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor at Fort Knox, Kentucky, above an M26 Pershing tank, a type used in the battle. Of the ten Pershing tanks attached to the 9th Division, there is only one surviving example, which is on permanent view at the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, N.H. During the days after the bridge's capture, the US 9th, 78th and the 99th Infantry divisions crossed the bridge.

A flying court-martial chaired by Lieutenant General Rudolf Hübner found five officers guilty of "cowardice" and "dereliction of duty" under sentence of death four of whom, Major Scheller, Lieutenant Karl Heinz Peters, Major Herbert Strobel and Major August Kraft, were executed on the day of sentencing in the Westerwald (two in Rimbach, two in Oberirsen). Their family pension rights were revoked but reinstated after the war. The fifth officer, Hauptmann Bratge, was convicted and sentenced in absentia, having become an American prisoner of war by this time.

Adolf Hitler's main reaction was to dismiss Field Marshall Gerd von Rundstedt as commander-in-chief of the western front (OB West), replacing him with Field Marshall Albert Kesselring.

Bombardment and collapse

After its capture, the Germans made repeated unsuccessful efforts to destroy it via aerial bombardment, field artillery and the use of floating mines. On 9 March 1945 a German counter-attack of the LXVII Armeekorps began, but was too weak to ensure success. The German High Command tried desperately to destroy the bridge in the following days, even using frogmen to plant mines and a railway gun which missed the target. In one of the few deployments of the type as tactical bombers, Arado Ar 234 jets attempted to destroy the bridge[4] (observed by Stars and Stripes newspaper reporter Andy Rooney),[5] and on 17 March 1945, eleven V-2 rockets were launched at the bridge from the Hellendoorn area of the Netherlands, about 200 kilometres (120 mi) north of Remagen, destroying a number of nearby buildings and killing at least six American soldiers.

Later on 17 March, ten days after its capture, the bridge suddenly collapsed into the Rhine. Twenty-eight U.S. Army engineers were killed while working to strengthen the bridge, and 93 others were injured. However, by then the Americans had established a substantial bridgehead on the far side of the Rhine and had additional pontoon bridges in place.

The collapse was not caused by a direct hit from a V-2, as the nearest 'strike' was 270 metres (300 yd) away. However, the bridge had been weakened by the earlier bombing attacks. Some speculate that the wear and tear of weeks of bombardment, combined with the vibrations produced when a V-2 slammed into the earth at 4,800 kilometres per hour (3,000 mph), was enough to cause the collapse of the bridge.

The next day, Hitler sent a congratulatory telegram to the officer in charge of the V-2 rocket launching team at Hellendoorn. It is unknown whether Hitler was aware that there had not been a direct hit by a V-2 rocket, but the fact that the bridge collapsed on the same day as the attack, was probably enough for Hitler to associate the collapse directly with the V-2 bombardment.

State today

The surviving towers of the old bridge now house a museum dedicated to peace.[6] The two piers were removed from the river in the summer of 1976, as they constituted an obstacle to navigation.

In media and popular culture


References and notes

  1. ^ a b same city
  2. ^ "Corporate history animation". Bilfinger Berger.$FILE/bb_historie_en.html. 
  3. ^ Dwight D. Eisenhower (1948). Crusade in Europe (April 1952 ed.). p. 418. 
  4. ^ a b Leckie, Robert (1964). The Story of World War II. New York: Random House. p. 172. 
  5. ^ Rooney, Andy (1945-03-13). "Bridge a Blow to Jerry". Stars & Stripes. 
  6. ^ The Bridge at Remagen museum

Further reading